Right Choices was founded in 2012 by Allison Smith. Allison Smith is a retired United States Army Command Sergeant Major. She retired after 27 years of active duty service to our nation. Right Choices is devoted to leading, inspiring, and motivating women to choose to make good decisions in life.
Motivating women to understand their worth is very personal to Allison, you see, although she had a very successful military career; Allison suffered from low self-esteem from childhood into adulthood and even throughout her military career. In 2011, Allison retired from the military and committed to fulfilling the call on her life. Right Choices is that call. Right Choices believes that bad choices lead to bad decisions which lead to negative consequences. Right Choices serves as a tool to motivate, inspire, and guide women to understand who they really are; to help them realize that they are fearfully and wonderfully made; to understand that all things are possible with God and that with Him, they can do all things which will strengthen them.
CHOICES – The Young Black Man’s Guide to Successful Living
Matthew C. Horne is a young gifted motivational speaker and author from Prince Georges County, Maryland. His book encourages young men to refuse to become a negative statistic. In his book “Choices, The Young Black Man’s Guide to Successful Living”, Matthew demonstrates wisdom far beyond his years. The guidance he provides is beneficial for all men regardless of age or race. This book is not only for young men, it is for anyone who has a responsibility or hand in raising, coaching, teaching, or leading our young men. As Matthew might say, we all have a responsibility to tell our young men to “Get in the car” (Page 13).
Check it out at MatthewChorne.com